The Lutheran Church Musician as Deacon
Today’s post is by Scott Weidler, outgoing Program Director for Worship and Music in the ELCA. An excerpt from an article written for CrossAccent, the journal of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, it addresses the ELCA’s unification of...
Racing Through the ELW: a Hymnathon
Today’s post is from Tim Getz, Director of Music Ministry at Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto California. Last week, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the publication of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, and as the first of a series...
Worship and Culture: Join the Conversation
Today’s post is from Scott Weidler, ELCA Program Director for Worship and Music. One of the things I’ve learned in these many years serving on the ELCA worship staff is that perspectives often vary between congregations and parts of the church. For...
Two More Strong Center, Open Door Events this Fall
This October and November, join Susan Briehl, Matt James, Daniel Schwandt, Kevin Strickland and Scott Weidler in exploring the core foundations and new possibilities of the ELW family of resources. Strong Center, Open Door is two days of worship,...
Churchwide Assembly’s Worship in Pictures
The ELCA’s Churchwide Assembly, this August in New Orleans L.A., was highlighted by moments of worship, music, prayer and praise. Here are just a few visual highlights from the worship services in the Great Hall.
LiturgyGram: Why the Bread?
LiturgyGrams are brief snippets of worship information, drawing from the ELCA’s Worship FAQ’s and The Use of the Means of Grace. Ever wondered, “Why the bread?” Bread is one of the elements of Holy Communion, being the body of Christ. ...