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ELCA Blogs

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Partner Organization Events and Resources

- Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work...

For what shall we pray?

- “For what shall we pray?” is a weekly post inviting individuals, groups, and congregations to lift up our world in...

For what shall we pray?

- “For what shall we pray?” is a weekly post inviting individuals, groups, and congregations to lift up our world in...

Worship Resources: Anniversary of the Ongoing War in the Middle East

- As we approach the anniversary of Oct. 7, 2023, we remember a day of heartbreaking grief for the people of...
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October 13, 2024–The Last Shall Be First

- Warm-up Question Tell a story about when you were genuinely surprised. Maybe you learned something shocking or experienced a surprise...

October 6, 2024–Connecting with Kids

- Warm-up Question When is the last time you asked a child their opinion about something related to faith? Is that...

September 29, 2024–Same Goal. Same Team.

- Warm-up Question How do you typically identify people who are your friends? Storm Preparation This week, a group of thunderclouds...

September 22, 2024–Greatness Redefined

- Warm-up Question Who is the best teacher that you’ve ever known? What made them so good? A GOAT in the...
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September Updates – U.N. and State Edition

- Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (sppos) in...

September Update: Advocacy Connections

- from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from...

Election Engagement Updates

- Civic engagement is happening this election year in many diverse communities and contexts—and being activated and led by congregations, rostered...

Farm Bill Engagement Updates

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Wearing Orange In Remembrance of Indian Boarding Schools

- In observation of National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools which is observed in the United States September 30,...

Empowering a New Generation | Empoderando a una Nueva Generación

- In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month which is celebrated in the United States September 15- October 15, we share...

“My Identity is Not Up For Discussion” by Guest Blog Author Rahel Mwitula Williams

- In honor of International Day for People of African Descent, which is observed internationally on August 31 each year, ELCA...

Juneteenth: An Intergenerational Conversation by Guest Blog Author Dr. Dianne R. Browne

- In honor of Juneteenth, ELCA Racial Justice Ministries invited Dr. Dianne R. Browne, Ph.D., CFLE, CSE, Chair of the ELCA...
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Created to Be: wHoly You

-   Pastor Mack Patrick (he/they) serves as an Assistant to the Bishop in the Northern Illinois Synod focusing on communications,...

Disability Ministries Grants 2024

- Dear friends of ELCA Disability Ministries, Thank you for considering Disability Ministries to potentially help fund your request or initiative...

A Reflection on the 2024 ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza

- by Rev. Peter Heide  At the 2024 ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza, several firsts occurred surrounding Disability Ministries. It had...

CRLC Listening Session

- The Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC) was formed by action of the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The assembly...
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Index of the September 2024 Issue

- Issue 95 of Administration Matters Created to Be “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are...

Index of the July 2024 Issue

- Issue 94 of Administration Matters How to Create a Mission Endowment Fund: A Guide for Congregations The ELCA Foundation has...

Index of the May 2024 Issue

- Issue 93 of Administration Matters Victim of embezzlement? Do you know how to proceed? It is important to know what...

Index of the March 2024 Issue

- Issue 92 of Administration Matters You’re not late, everyone else is just early! Final call for registration for the 2024...
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Scenes from a Street Car: Created to be Disciples

- Saturday, July 20 – Created to Be Disciples Today was our closing worship for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, and...

Scenes from a Street Car: Created to be Disruptive

- Friday, July 19 – Created to Be Disruptive Today, the final full day of the Youth Gathering, was a whirlwind...

Scenes from a Street Car: Created to be Free

- Thursday, July 18 – Created to Be Free Today, over 5k Gathering participants in bright orange shirts launched into the...

Scenes from a Street Car: Created to be Authentic

- Wednesday, July 17 – Created to Be Authentic Today, the spirit of authenticity radiated through the streets of New Orleans...
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Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine 2022

- Join us in Sensing Advent: Practicing God’s justice in embodied community Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine is a four-week virtual pilgrimage...

ALAMEH Statement on Iran

- ALAMEH (Association of Lutherans of Arab and Middle Eastern Heritage) issued a statement on Iran, please find it linked below....

Christian Presence in Jerusalem

- Today, September 27, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem issued a statement in support of HM King Abdullah...

Special Action Alert: Support U.S. Funding of Augusta Victoria Hospital

- Support U.S. Funding of Augusta Victoria Hospital! Take action today. Background President Joe Biden visited Augusta Victoria Hospital on July...
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World Refugee Day, A Day to Proudly Practice Solidarity

- By Giovana Oaxaca World Refugee Day is observed annually on June 20th. This is a time to honor the courage...

Witnessing Cruelty and Compassion on a Dominican Highway

- By Stephen Deal With three traveling companions, we were nearing the end of a long drive from Santo Domingo (the...

Transformed by Kindness: My Immigration Experience

- By Raed AbuJries “I was a stranger and you invited me in.” These words, from Matthew 25:35, are normally perceived...

With Anti-Immigration Sentiments Rising, More Action is Needed

- By David Atkinson   For those closely following immigration issues and debates, every day can seem to be a bad...
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Renewing Hunger Ministry Together (re-post from St. Paul Area Synod blog)

- This is a re-post of a piece from the St. Paul Area Synod blog, by Vernita Kennen of Incarnation Lutheran...

2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 5

- The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a...

2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 4

- The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a...

2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 3

- The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a...
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Situation Report #2: Maui Wildfires

- Situation: On Aug. 8, 2023, multiple wildfires broke out on Maui. Exacerbated by strong winds, they destroyed homes, businesses, and...

Lutheran Disaster Response at COP28

- What is COP? COP stands for the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)....

Spiritual Rest

-   By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day [God]...

Human Rights and Climate Change

- On December 10, 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), written to address the atrocities...
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Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Guide to 2024

- The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is upon us once again. To commemorate this time of collective witness we’ve...

Preview the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation

- One week from today the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation will begin in Krakow, Poland. The Assembly will...

Understanding the Knesset’s (Israeli parliament) Recent Ruling in Light of our Jewish Relations

- Last week the ruling coalition in Israel’s Knesset (parliament) took a unilateral vote that puts further strain on an already...

A Season of Action: Ecumenical Responses to the Climate Crisis

- On Thursday, April 20, 2023 the ELCA Church Council unanimously adopted the church’s sixteenth social message, titled “Earth’s Climate Crisis“...
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An Introduction to Equity Design

- This is part two of a two-part introduction to design thinking. Part one is available here.  Introduction   Design thinking...

Thriving Congregations, Thriving Church

- People are lonely. A January 2020 survey from Cigna found that three in five US Americans are lonely, and we know loneliness only...

Open Doors

-   Open Doors supports ELCA congregations interested in meeting new people in this time of re-gathering in physical spaces Over...

An Introduction to Design Thinking

- Introduction Have you or your worshipping community ever encountered a tough problem and found yourselves unable to come up with...
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The Wolf Shall Lie Down With the Lamb: #NoPlasticsforLent

- The Word Genesis 1:29-30 29 God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the...

Creation Care on Campus: #NoPlasticsforLent

- A Starting Place Creation care looks different at different stages of our lives. College is a transitional time for many...

Local is Global: #NoPlasticsforLent

- The Word “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to...

Justice Alongside Indigenous Peoples : #NoPlasticsforLent

- ‘Wild’ Places I have been interested in environmental activism, indigenous justice, and decolonization since I was a kid (I was...
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Reviving hope in Memphis

-   by Rev. Antoinette Robinson, Peace Lutheran Church, Memphis Peace Lutheran Church, Memphis, formed Trinity Ministries in partnership with two...

Reclaiming faith with LGBTQIA+ community in Los Angeles

-   ADORE LA is seeking new and creative ways to do church in the city of Los Angeles. This LGBTQIA+...

Communing with Christ in the strawberry field

-   The faith community of Iglesia Luterana Santa Cruz communes with Christ in a strawberry field of Santa Maria, Calif....

CV Training Event Travel and Logistics – San Diego – February 2020

- Congregational Vitality Training Event — San Diego Travel & Logistics for Training Event & Pre-Events: February 17-21, 2020 TRAINING EVENT...
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Helmut and Rotraut Diefenthal: Service in Malaysia and Tanzania

- Franklin Ishida ​ The son of a Jewish father, Helmut Diefenthal and his wife, Rotraut, survived Nazi Germany and World...

Nurturing the church in Japan

- Nathan and Sharonette Bowman ​ New playground equipment is enjoyed at the kindergarten. The Rev. Nathan and Sharonette Bowman accompany...


- Kirsten Fryer The Rev. Kirsten Fryer serves as pastor at St. Andrew’s United Congregation in Cairo and is also pastoral...

Women’s Sunday in Kenya

- Leslie Weed-Fonner and Michael G Fonner ​ Women’s Sunday worship March 1 at the Nairobi International Lutheran Congregation. The Rev....
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Mensaje navideño

- Jesús es nuestro verdadero hogar. Esa es nuestra esperanza en Navidad y durante todo el año. Nunca estamos lejos de…

Reflexiones sobre las elecciones recientes

- Video de reflexiones sobre las elecciones por parte de la reverenda Elizabeth Eaton, obispa presidente de la ELCA

Obispa presidente de la ELCA emite declaración sobre Standing Rock

- CHICAGO (14 de noviembre de 2016) – La reverenda Elizabeth A. Eaton, obispa presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en...

Una mirada mayor al Catecismo menor

- Por Elizabeth Eaton, Obispa presidente de la ELCA, columna de octubre de 2016 en Living Lutheran Nota del editor: Esta es...