LiturgyGram: Communion Distribution
As Lutherans we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal we call Holy Communion. This holy mystery calls for reverence, care and pastoral wisdom in the practices surrounding its distribution. As set forth in the...
Of Light, Blessing and S’mores: Epiphany at Trinity
Today’s blog post is from Jill Henning, Pastor of Faith Development at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia. The day of Epiphany has become a special celebration within my congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia. In an area...
Advent & Christmas Greetings from the Worship Staff
“We are called to ponder mystery and await the coming Christ, to embody God’s compassion for each fragile human life. God is with us in our longing to bring healing to the earth, while we watch with joy and...
And the Word became flesh: Engaging Worship and Culture
Today’s post is from Jennifer Baker-Trinity, Organist and Choir Director at Beaver Lutheran in Beaver Springs, PA. In this time in the church year, Christians wonder at this mystery: Christ becoming fully human, taking earthly form in a world...
LiturgyGram: Why the Wreath?
Today’s post is an excerpt from the ELCA Worship FAQ “What is the Advent Wreath and How is it used in worship?” The Advent wreath has its roots in the pre-Christian practices of northern Europe. People sought the return...
Fresh Waiting: Music for Advent
Today’s blog post is from Clayton Faulkner, Director of Worship, Music and Technology at Faith Lutheran Church in Bellaire, TX. If you’ve sung ELW #239-267 and are looking for some new worship music for Advent, try these on. These...