Using Worship Care for Reflection and Connection
John Weit recently wrote in the Worship E-news, “As we near the end of the 50 days of Easter, I hope you have had some time to reflect on worship during Holy Week and the Three Days in...
For Pentecost: an Energy Themed Mini-Toolkit
This mini-toolkit of worship resources was created by the Minneapolis Area Synod’s EcoFaith Energy Campaign Team. This team focuses on renewable energy & power from perspectives of stewardship, creation care, advocacy, sustainability, organizing, vocation, and more. The team writes,...
Earth and Wind
Today’s post is by Robyn Sand Anderson, artist. “Coming to faith is analogous to falling in love. One cannot fall in love in the abstract. Love comes through an encounter with another person. The same is true of faith....
Practicing Advocacy with Communities of Hope
Today’s post is from Jennifer Crist, Pastor Mission Developer of Communities of Hope in Harrisburg, PA. Communities of Hope, a synodically authorized worshipping community, began as an experiment to gather those unfamiliar with church and those who haven’t been to church...
Singing Our Faith: “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song”
Today’s post is from John Weit, Program Director for Music for the ELCA. In these last weeks of the Easter season leading into the Day of Pentecost, many congregations will sing “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song” (Evangelical...
Sharing Communion in Homes, Hospitals and Prisons
Today’s post is excerpted from the ELCA Worship FAQ How can we provide for communion of the ill, homebound, and imprisoned? A celebration of Holy Communion in the home, at the bedside of an ill or homebound person, or in...