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ELCA Racial Justice

En Honor A Las Mujeres de Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla

Sermón Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla Capilla IELA – 19 de Febrero de 2020 Mateo 5:21-37 Gracia y paz del Uno y Trino Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.   Esta es la segunda ocasión que vivo en Chicago....

In Honor of Women by Rev. Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla

Full Sermon By: Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla ELCA Chapel – February 19, 2020 Matthew 5:21-37   Grace to you from the One and Triune God, Forever and ever. Amen.   This is my second time in Chicago. I lived in...

#TreasuresOfDarkness: An African Descent Month Devotional-A reprise for 2020 (excerpt) by Rev. Kwame Pitts

#TreasuresOfDarkness: An African Descent Month Devotional-A reprise for 2020 (excerpt)*   Darkness/Black: Devoid of Light Lacking knowledge or culture. Wickedness. Evil. Lack of spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. Ignorance. Sullen. Foul. Hostile. Throughout our complex and convoluted history, forcibly exiled to...

Lessons From My History by Shari Seifert

As a Christian, I believe that we are all created in the image of God. Racism and white supremacy are heretical and demonic lies as they serve to say that some people are better than other people. The truth is...

Holy Mischief: An Unlikely Assembly by Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers

  Synopsis from a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers at the historic “Lift Every Voice” African Descent Lutheran Association (ADLA) & Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) Worship Service on Friday, August 2, 2019 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   Sermon...

Interfaith Youth Justice Trip by Joan Daye

My name is Joan Daye and I am a member of Grace Lutheran Church in Evanston, IL.  I am sixteen years old, and I was one of sixteen high school students to go on the Interfaith Youth Justice Trip over...