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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Honduras: Support for returning child migrants

Megan Brandsrud ​The Honduran government declared a national state of emergency upon the recent mass return of Hondurans, specifically children, who are being sent back from Mexico and the United States. The assistance of several civil society and humanitarian organizations...

Madagascar: Tropical Cyclone Chedza and severe flooding

Megan Brandsrud On Jan. 16, Tropical Cyclone Chedza hit the southwestern part of Madagascar in the Menabe and Melaky regions. Heavy rainfalls followed, which caused severe flooding in most parts of the country. Approximately 174,000 people were affected by the...

Malawi: Flood recovery and community resilience

Megan Brandsrud In January, Malawi was hit with unprecedented flooding after days of heavy rains. Approximately 230,000 people were displaced due to the emergency and more than 200 people died – with more than 100 people still missing. Overall, approximately...

Loving the Neighbor – Guest Post from Rev. Linda Johnson Seyenkulo

Megan Brandsrud This is a guest post from Rev. Linda Johnson Seyenkulo, an ELCA missionary to Liberia. I’ve been thinking about the Good Samaritan story lately and the concept of neighbor. “Who is my neighbor?” the Pharisee asked Jesus. Even...

Ebola Outbreak: Ebola at Christmas and plans for long-term recovery

Megan Brandsrud ​ Pictured: Children of Morabie Community in Sierra Leone show food they received. Photo courtesy of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone. Christmas is usually a time for parties and a time when families travel from all corners...

Ukraine: Humanitarian assistance to refugees and IDPs in areas of conflict

The armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine has created a humanitarian crisis. Thousands of homes, factories and mines have been destroyed, and the fertile land of the region has been torn apart, which has damaged the farming legacy in Ukraine.  According...