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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

1 Year Later: South Carolina Flooding

On October 4, 2015, The Carolinas were struck with catastrophic rainfall that shattered records and left unprecedented scenes of flooding in its wake. The hardest-hit areas stretched from Columbia, in the middle of South Carolina, all the way to the coast....

Top 5 Tips to Prepare Your Faith Community for a Disaster

Today is the last day of National Preparedness Month. Just because the month is ending, doesn’t mean the work of being prepared for disaster ends. With this in mind, we want to take the time to highlight 5 tips that can be...

Remembering 9/11, 15 Years Later

The Reverend Gil Furst was the Director of Lutheran Disaster Response on 9/11. We are very grateful for his enormous contributions to our collective response to this unprecedented disaster on behalf of the church in collaboration with many partners in...

Earthquake in Italy

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit Italy 65 miles north-east of Rome leaving hundreds confirmed dead and thousands injured. Aftershocks continued to hit the region making rescue and relief efforts difficult. Did you know there is...

Louisiana/ Gulf Coast Flooding

While the ELCA was wrapping up our Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans, our neighbors, right there in Louisiana, were dealing with the fast rising waters of a flash flood. During the proceedings, Holly Schmitt, a member in the Southwestern Pennsylvania...

World Humanitarian Day

Today is World Humanitarian Day (WHD). This is a day that highlights the work of humanitarian aid organizations and workers all across the globe. Theirs are the hands and feet on the ground during times of disaster, both natural and...