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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Advocacy

Fracking in Pennsylvania

By Amy Reumann, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania The federal budget matters…in order to preserve clean water in Pennsylvania where a new American gold rush is on. This time it is to mine natural gas trapped a mile underground...

Flooding, Water Management and Budget Cuts

By Mary Minette, ELCA Director of Environmental Education and Advocacy This month our series on the federal budget is focusing on how water programs may be affected by cuts in the federal budget.  The opening reflection focused on water quality...

A Season of Prayer for Peace in Sudan

In solidarity with our brothers and sisters serving, working, and living in Sudan, the ELCA encourages you to pray for peace for all of Sudan as South Sudan approaches its independence from the North on July 9th, 2011. Here is...

Human Dignity: LIRS’s Work of Welcoming Refugees to the United States

Guest blog posting by Eric Sigmon, director for advocacy, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. This posting highlights the human dignity issues with regards to welcoming refugees into the United States. On June 20th, the United States will celebrate World Refugee Day...

Prayers Still Needed for Sudan

Sudan has been plagued by internal conflict for nearly 40 years. A variety of complex factors, including race, ethnicity, religion and economic disparities fueled a 22-year conflict between the north and south and are also largely at the heart of...

Lutheran Day at the Capitol — Harrisburg, Penn

Guest Blog by Marissa Harris Krey, Advocacy Developer of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA (LAMPa) Last week, close to 140 Lutherans gathered in Harrisburg for LAMPa’s (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA) annual Lutheran Day at the Capitol.  Torrential rain could...

Comment Period Now Open for Proposed EPA Rule

The proper role of government—how big it should be, and what, exactly, it should be doing—is a hot topic in our country.  Some say too many government regulations are slowing economic growth and preventing companies from creating new jobs.  Others...

Advocacy and Ministry in the 21st Century

Kevin O’Hara is an intern with the Lutheran Office for World Community I just returned from two gatherings that focused on how ministry is changing, especially in the 21st century church, which may look a lot more like the church...

Advocacy – There’s a book or two to write

Dennis Frado directs the Lutheran Office for World Community based in New York City. The advocacy office monitors the work of the United Nations. Among the current staff of the ELCA engaged in advocacy I definitely qualify as a “gray...

Sick and Tired of Rising Gas Prices

I don’t know about you, but the price at the gas pump is certainly hurting my pocketbook. I am sick and tired of paying over $50 each time I have to fill up. Quite frankly, I could use a break....