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ELCA Advocacy

February Update: Advocacy Connections

from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: February 2025 DOMESTIC SERVICES AND GRANT ACCESS | PRESIDENT TRUMP WITHDRAWS FROM THE PARIS AGREEMENT | FOREIGN ASSISTANCE...

SPPO Spotlight: Inspired by Intersectionality

By Solveig Muus, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona  Lately I’ve been thinking about the many ways our Church intersects across so many different channels, and about how that intentional intersectionality benefits the whole. ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices (sppos), like...

Winter Updates: State Edition

ARIZONA | KANSAS | MINNESOTA | NEW MEXICO | PENNSYLVANIA | TEXAS | VIRGINIA   Following are updates shared from submissions from ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices (sppos) this quarter (formerly shared monthly). Full list and map of sppos available....

Devotional: More Questions than Answers

By Courtney Hall, Lutheran Office of Public Policy – California [ABOUT THE AUTHOR] In all honesty, I feel I have lost sense of what the phrase “common good” even means today. In a world so divided, what I view as...

Important Medicaid Supports Need Our Support

Proposed cuts to Medicaid advancing in Congress threaten the wellbeing of millions of vulnerable Americans. We have a critical opportunity to raise our voices and share our values and experiences that shed light on the valuable role Medicaid fills. Proposed...

Devotional: Differences Need Not Divide

By Jake Summerville, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota [About the Author] In a time as tense and divided as ours, ideas like a united church working together toward a common good feel more and more idealistic. Our neighbors are hurting, yet...

Locally Tending to Abundant Life as People of Faith

“God calls us to do justice, to love kindness, to walk humbly with our God – and that includes abundant life for all people and abundant life is often tended to by our government our elected leaders, and the civic...

Devotional: Diverse Gifts and Divine Love

by Deacon Erin Brown – Lutheran Office for World Community [About the Author]   Being a part of the advocacy team at the Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) has given me the opportunity to meet amazing advocates from the...

Devotional: Precedents of Community

by Emily Ahern, ELCA Advocacy [About the Author] As a young person, I am more than familiar with the concept of living in unprecedented times. In fact, I yearn for times which are precedented. As the prior U.S. presidential administration...

Devotional: Self + Community = Liberation

by Sagi Rudnick, Kansas Interfaith Action [About the Author] I am a Jewish progressive young adult who immigrated to the United States from the Holy Land as a child. Since my teenage years, I have felt a particular draw to...