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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Advocacy

Policy needed for renewable energy expansion

This piece is part of the Colorado installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. By Mary Minette, director for environmental education and advocacy, ELCA Washington Office In Genesis 2:15, God calls us to be good stewards of the...

A Leap of Faith

This piece is part of the Colorado installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. By Jack C. Major Holy Cross Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) God saw everything that he had...

A Win for the Environment, Congregation, and Workforce

This piece is part of the Colorado installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. In 2009-10 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Denver, Colorado, took innovative steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and create jobs for a disadvantaged...

Advocating for Creation in Colorado

We open the Colorado installment of the “Advocating on the Road” series with this piece. By Brad Wood Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry- CO For Lutherans in Colorado, the opportunities to commune with God extend beyond our houses of worship into...

“We are all beggars”

We close the Minnesota chapter of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series with this reflection by Kate Gaskill, ELCA Washington Office.  “We are all beggars.  This is true.”    – Martin Luther In 1546, a dying Martin Luther scribbled this sentence on...

The People Behind the Policies

This piece is part of the Minnesota installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. By Inyene Ekah, Senior director for employment services,  Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota I love helping people and was drawn to employment services, because...

“My Name is Not ‘Those People'”

This piece is part of the Minnesota installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. Minnesotan Julia Dinsmore has known poverty all of her life and is no stranger to homelessness. Her childhood was marked by frequent moves, chaos...

Why I advocate in Minnesota

This piece is part of the Minnesota installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series. By Sheila Ehrich As I have grown older and experienced more of life, I have come to realize how truly blessed I have been....

Speaking Out for Fair Assistance, Rejecting Harmful Rhetoric

We open the Minnesota installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series with this piece. By Mark Peters, director of the Lutheran Coalition for Public Policy in Minnesota, a State Policy Advocacy office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in...

A Prayer for Pennsylvania

We close the Pennsylvania installment of the “Advocating on the Road” series with this reflection. A reflection by The Rev. Paul L. Lubold, Western PA Advocacy Developer, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa)   We hope you enjoyed your “visit”...