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ELCA Advocacy

What’s in the budget deal? President Trump signs the 2018 budget into law.

  In March, Congress passed a spending bill to fund the government through October 1st, the end of the 2018 fiscal year. While the recently approved budget carried record funding for housing programs and sufficient funds for environmental conservation, many...

Lenten Reflection: Why I love Lent

By Amanda Silcox, Hunger Advocacy Fellow,Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy Two of my favorite moments in the church year take place during Lent. The first takes place on Ash Wednesday, when everyone receives the mark of the cross in...

Lent Reflection:Spirit Renewed

  By Dennis Frado, Director of Lutheran Office for World Community After spending many years here at United Nations headquarters in New York, I suppose I could be excused for expressing disappointment – disappointment that governments tend to give priority...

Lenten Reflection: My Lenten Education

By Kendrick Hall, Hunger Advocacy Fellow, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – Minneapolis, Minn. I am still pretty new to the Lutheran faith tradition when it comes to Lent. But I am learning that Lent is a time for education, for cleansing...

March 2018 ELCA Advocacy update

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, Director                                                     MARCH 21, PRAY. FAST. ACT: The March day to #PrayFastAct is Wednesday, March 21! This month we focus on international programs that support women and girls overseas....

Lent Reflection:Not in my House!

  By John Johnson, Director of Domestic Policy I recently came across a meme on social media that made me think about this Sunday’s Gospel (John 2:13-22). The meme is an icon of Jesus Christ, whip-in-hand, chasing the money changers...

Lent Reflection:Deepening Faith

By Elena Robles, Hunger Advocacy Fellow This is the first year that I’ll be partaking in a Lenten discipline, as a part of exploring the many ways in which I can deepen my faith and understanding of Jesus. In being...

ELCA Advocacy statement on Senate’s failure to pass Dreamer legislation

  Yesterday, Feb. 15, the Senate failed to pass legislation to protect young Americans without legal status, called Dreamers, from deportation. We are disappointed that politics got in the way of passing sensible and compassionate policy to provide a pathway...

Advocacy begins with Confession

  By Tracey Depasquale, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa) Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me...

February 2018 ELCA Advocacy Update

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, director                                                  STATE OF THE UNION & ADVOCACY PRIORITIES: On Tuesday, Jan. 30, President Trump addressed our nation and introduced this administration’s major priorities for 2018. The annual...