December Advocacy Update
ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, director ...
Dedicated to the common good: ELCA voted and ELCAvotes
by the Rev. Amy Reumann, Director of ELCA Advocacy Election Day is behind us, and we have much to give thanks for as a nation and as a church. As citizens, we have come together to vote in midterm Congressional...
Facing creation care challenge with hope: We act
By Ruth Ivory-Moore, Program Director, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility In 1993, the ELCA Social Statement, “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice” [Caring for Creation], described: “The earth is a planet of beauty and abundance; the earth system is...
November Advocacy Update
ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, director ...
The continued struggle for voting rights
Our guest blogger, the Rev. Kwame Pitts, helped draft and present the ELCA Social Policy Resolution “Voting Rights to All Citizens” adopted by the Churchwide Assembly in 2013. She shares her poetically presented thoughts in 2018 here. THE RESPONSIBILITY I...
October Advocacy Update
ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, director PRAY. FAST. ACT: Our next centering day to #PrayFastAct with the Episcopal Church is Sunday, Oct. 21. The focus this month is on holistic investments in infrastructure programs and...
Passion and fresh ideas from Hunger Advocacy Fellows
By Abbigail Hull, ELCA World Hunger Fellow (L-R) Erica Earnest, Abbigail Hull, Kimberly Jordan Slappey, Paisha Thomas, Sarah Vatne, and Kelsey Johnson Advocacy requires collaboration and a gaze towards the future. It was this vision that created the ELCA Hunger...
Wed. Sept. 26 – National Call-in Rejecting Family Separation and Detention
Approximately 200 children who were separated from their parents at the border have still not been reunified with their parents. Additionally, the zero-tolerance policy that seeks to criminally prosecute all people arriving at the border continues, and there are efforts...
Stress of farm life addressed by Farm Bill
“I was so moved,” said Elena Robles of a talk she heard about stress and farmers near the end of her term as a Hunger Fellow with the ELCA Advocacy office. Farm Bill conferees are engaged in the task of...
September 2018 Advocacy Update
ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Amy Reumann, director ...