Sifting through misinformation
In weeks approaching the election, we are awash in messaging. Not only are we seeing politician-approved ads, but likely also items in categories* including propaganda, lies, conspiracies, rumors, hoaxes, hyperpartisan content, falsehoods and manipulated media. Such misinformation undermines healthy democratic...
October Update: UN and State Edition
Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices. U.N. | Arizona | Colorado | Ohio |Pennsylvania | Washington | Wisconsin United Nations Dennis Frado, Lutheran Office for World Community, New...
International COVID-19 Relief – Why We Should Commit
By the Rev. Kaari Reierson, contractor with ELCA advocacy The impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. citizens are simply unfathomable. Over 200,000 people have died. Unemployment is the highest it has been in the last 70 years. Tens of thousands of...
Churches as polling places
According to data presented by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, over 230,000 polling places were used in 2018. Less than 1% of those were located at election offices. Most were at schools, community centers… and churches. The need Experience...
September Update: UN and State Edition
Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices. U.N. | Arizona | Colorado | Minnesota | New Mexico| Ohio | Pennsylvania | Texas | Washington | Wisconsin Lutheran Office for...
Raising the Refugee Ceiling
As we approach the end of the federal government’s fiscal year on Sept. 30, the Administration is considering how many refugees to welcome in 2021. Although refugee admissions have gone down each year of the current Administration, we know refugee...
Voting in 2020 takes personal and public planning
by Tessa Comnick, Hunger Advocacy Fellow Like many people, I have spent the last several months living out of my house. While that may not seem like a significant statement—I mean, houses are where we live—living out of my house...
August Update: Advocacy Connections
from the ELCA Advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: August 2020 COVID-19 STIMULUS PACKAGE | HUD HOUSING RULES | INTERNATIONAL INTERSECTIONS | ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION BILL SIGNED | DACA...
August Update: U.N. and State Edition
Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices. U.N. | California | Colorado | Minnesota | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Texas | Washington | Wisconsin Lutheran Office for World Community,...
August recess opportunity
Congress traditionally takes a recess during the month of August, allowing lawmakers time to return to their home states and congressional districts to connect with constituents. That may look a bit different this year, but the month still holds meaningful...