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ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Hats off to Heidi

Heidi Hagstrom is the Director of the ELCA Youth Gathering. Heidi Hagstrom

The people of New Orleans as well as the ELCA are sending her their thanks . The July 22-26 gathering drew nearly 37,000 youth, their leaders and chaperones.

For the first time, a significant portion of the gathering focused on justice work. Twelve thousand youth were taken across the city daily on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to help with Hurricane Katrina recovery. Their work included painting schools, planting wetlands and cleaning up overgrown cemeteries.

The theme of this year’s event was Jesus, Jazz and Justice. The community service projects drew the praise of New Oreans citizens, Mayor Ray Nagin andU.S. President Barack Obama.

Thanks to Heidi and all those behind the scenes who made the week about serving others in Christ’s name. You are wonderful examples of “God’s Work. Our Hands.”


Banner week

Banners from various ELCA youth groups were displayed around the Superdome during the 2009 Youth Gathering, which ended at noon day. Here are a few:

St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri

(Gateway to Christ) (more…)

Lost, never found

Lost&FoundWhen I walked into my New Orleans hotel last night, William Wright (left) and Jacob Lucht seemed like an answer to a prayer. They were standing in the lobby with big smiles on their faces directing people to Lost and Found.

“Oh, it’s so nice that you’re doing this,” I told them. “Did many people lose things this week?”

They seemed puzzled. “I lot my hat yesterday,” I said. “Any chance somebody found it?”

Wright burst out laughing. I sensed that something wasn’t, well, right.

“You’re not really pointing people to a recovery area for lost items, are you?” I said.

“Nooooo,” Wright said and giggled. “Lost and Found is a band.” (more…)

Gathering gab

Bradford Johnson, 17, Anchorage, AlaskaBradford Johnson

What he wishes he’d packed: My Native games equipment.

What he didn’t need to bring: Actually, I needed everything I brought.

Best moment: Today during the agape service.

Worst moment: Last night’s group


* (more…)

Reflections on Service

Thousands of young Lutherans are doing good in the New Orleans community.  Here’s what a few of them had to say after their time serving New Orleanians (namely, working up a dripping sweat doing manual labor for hours on a muggy, 97-degree bayou morning):

Pretty good job

Derek AndersonA note of thanks from U.S. President Barack Obama was read to Lutheran teens at the New Orleans Superdome tonight by the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Obama praised the youth for their volunteer work this week helping with Hurricane Katrina recovery. The president, a former community service organizer, has urged young adults to be engaged in helping others.

Bishop Mark Hanson read Obama’s letter to the 37,000 youths and adults attending the 2009 Youth Gathering, an event held every three years by the ELCA. As part of the event, 12,000 youth were sent out daily on Thursday, Friday and today to perform community service projects.

“God bless you. God bless the United States of America,” the letter concluded. The teens cheered and applauded when the president’s name was read. (more…)