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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Scenes from the Street Car: Day 2 from MYLE and the tAble

Sunday, July 14 – Day 2 from MYLE and the tAble Good Morning from New Orleans!  Yesterday was an epic day full of story, rhythm, creativity, laughter, connection, and growth. Today, we got to witness the power of being in...

Scenes from the Street Car: Day 1 from MYLE and the tAble

Saturday, July 13 – Day 1 from MYLE and the tAble Good Morning, New Orleans! Day One kicked off with a dazzling start to the Gathering in the vibrant city of New Orleans!  Picture this: 684 enthusiastic youth and their...

Dear Youth Leader: You are Brave!

Dear youth leader, As you prepare for the Gathering, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The task of planning and leading a trip for your group can be daunting, especially knowing that thousands of youth and...

Created to be… Authentic

We are each uniquely created in the image of God. Take a moment and hold up a mirror, or turn your cellphone on selfie mode and look at yourself. You, in all your glorious beauty, are made in our Creator’s...

Beyond the Beads: Unveiling the Spirit of Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras, with its vibrant colors, soulful music, and rich foods, is more than just a party that disrupts the everyday life—it’s a celebration that surpasses the ordinary, captivating the world with its infectious joy. The soulful tunes of jazz,...

Dear Youth Leader:

Dear youth leader: Being a youth leader can be both rewarding and challenging. It’s a role that requires a great deal of energy, compassion, and patience. If you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed during this Advent Season, you’re not alone. The...