Upcoming Classes for Musicians through LPM
Today’s post is from Tim Getz, Director of Music Ministry at Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, California. Being a good musician on any instrument, in any style of music, requires years of concentration and practice. Highly skilled musicians often...
Simeon’s Song: in the Presence of All Peoples
Today’s post is from Peg Schultz-Akerson, Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Master, Los Angeles, CA. The Song of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32, also known as the Nunc Dimittis) continues to shine in these latter days of the season after...
Ashes to Go
Today’s post is by Leslie Scanlon, Pastor at Grace Lutheran in Chesapeake, VA. It was a cold winter morning (normal by New England standards), there were a couple inches of snow piled up on the side of the streets and sidewalks,...
Singing Our Faith: “Oh, Praise the Gracious Power”
Today’s post is from John Weit, Program Director for Music in the ELCA. On Feb. 19, many congregations will sing “Oh, Praise the Gracious Power” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #651) in response to the readings from Paul about Christ...
Transformational Worship: Worshipping Abroad
Today’s blog post is from Richard Graham, Bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod. The year after I graduated from college I had a Fulbright Fellowship to study in France. I was a student that year at the Faculty of...
Catechumenate Training and the Making of Disciples
Today’s post is from Rick Rouse with the North American Association for the Catechumenate (NAAC). We may be in a time of numerical decline among denominations, yet the church has a grand opportunity for spiritual deepening. Now is...