Singing Our Faith: “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song”
Today’s post is from John Weit, Program Director for Music for the ELCA. In these last weeks of the Easter season leading into the Day of Pentecost, many congregations will sing “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song” (Evangelical...
Sharing Communion in Homes, Hospitals and Prisons
Today’s post is excerpted from the ELCA Worship FAQ How can we provide for communion of the ill, homebound, and imprisoned? A celebration of Holy Communion in the home, at the bedside of an ill or homebound person, or in...
A Glorious Weekend of Singing
Today’s post is from Ina Berkey in Williamsburg, VA. This weekend was made possible through a grant from the ELCA Reformation Anniversary Grant Program. On Jan. 28-29, St. Stephen Lutheran Church, along with Saint Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg, VA...
Transformational Worship: First Communion
Today’s post is from Marissa Sotos, mission developer at Tree of Life in Minneapolis, MN. I was 22 when I took communion for the first time. The church I grew up in only communed once a year, and by...
A Brief Introduction to The Three Days
Simply defined, The Three Days (Triduum in Latin) are the three days of Holy Week which focus intensely on Christ’s passage from death to life: Maundy Thursday evening through Easter evening. Historical Background The keeping of The Three Days...
Immersing Ourselves in the Story: The Three Days
Today’s post is from Patricia Baehler, a member of Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis, MN, with photos by Anke Voigt. I am often asked by my non-churchgoing friends why I go to church so much during Holy Week. “Really?” they say. “Really? You...