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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Worship

An Introduction from Jennifer Baker-Trinity, Program Director for Resource Development

  Greetings! My name is Jennifer Baker-Trinity. As a Deacon in the ELCA and the new Program Director for Resource Development here in the ELCA/Augsburg Fortress, I am excited to share with you a bit about this shared position and...

Engaging Children in Worship

  Today’s post is from Shelly Satran, a pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Vero Beach, FL.   How can we engage children in worship when we don’t know if there will even be any?   We regularly ask ourselves...

A Ministry of Free Prayer

  Today’s post is from Marie Sager, Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Hays KS.   Have you ever been to a coffee shop and seen people working on their computers? How about reading a book? You probably answered yes to both...

The Reformation 500 in Worship

  During this year marking the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, many Lutheran congregations will plan, or have already planned, worship that focuses on this remarkable milestone. Congregational worship commemorating the Reformation often takes either the direction of a celebration...

Recognizing Secular Holidays in Worship

  Today’s post is an excerpt from the Worship FAQ “How do congregations recognize secular occasions and holidays in the liturgy?” The complete FAQ is available here.   A General Approach to Holidays Lutheran worship ordinarily focuses on an ecumenically shared...

Celebrating God’s World with Outdoor Worship

  Today’s post is from Ellen Acconcia, staff at Christ the King in Great Falls, VA.   Pastor Hank Langknecht, of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Great Falls Virginia, recently asked his congregation the following questions: How does a...