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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

Someone really MUST talk to the Easter Bunny!

I have a new environmental pet peeve. My disappointment has caught me off-guard, seeing as how two weeks ago I hadn’t even thought of it. It wasn’t on my radar. But here it is now, in full force: Easter grass....

World Water Day, March 22

Hello, all. I’m writing an ELCA News blog about World Water Day, March 22. Does anyone know of a congregation or two that’s planning to acknowledge the day? … a congregational/youth group activity designed to bring attention to people in...

Wow! Have you seen the price of wheat?!

The headlines about rising food prices around the globe are sobering. The World Bank reports that wheat prices are up 200% since 2000 and overall food prices are up 75%. The increases are causing difficulty as people spend an ever-larger...

Earth Hour

Looking for something you can do to help the planet and make a statement about resource consumption? Turn off all of your lights on March 29 from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. It’s Earth Hour! Earth Hour started in 2007 in...

Take it or leave it?

Several conversations in the past few days have left me thinking about this word: accompaniment. I use that word a lot, because it is the term we use to describe the model through which the ELCA partners with our neighbors...

Feeling excessively clean

The following statistics caught my attention this weekend: The World Health Organization says a person needs 50 liters of water each day to meet basic human needs. The average person in the U.S. uses 300 to 378 liters per day....

Help me with “present thinking”

I’m working on the Pentecost 2008 edition of Congregation Connections, the 12-page biannual resource that links ELCA World Hunger, worship and congregational life. A two-page spread in this edition looks at ways to help congregations, families, and individuals make plans...

LVC seeking applications for 2008-2009

Passing on this important information from our friends at Lutheran Volunteer Corps. SueLutheran Volunteer Corps Now Seeking Applications for 2008-2009!Application deadlines for the 2008-2009 program year are right around the corner! Applications are received on a rolling basis with the...

The raising of our neighbor, Lazarus

The Gospel text for Sunday, March 8, “The Raising of Lazarus,” is found in John 11:1–45. This has been one of my favorite texts for years, ever since I edited an LWT article. The author* wrote something along the lines...

St. Luke’s (Muskegon, MI) gets a star on the calendar

How fun! Visit the link the link below to see how St. Luke’s Lutheran in Muskegon, Michigan has “webbified” the ELCA World Hunger 40-day plus calendar for congregational use during Lent. Thanks to Phil O. for passing this information on;...