Take the Global Farm Challenge Home!
Youth and adults from across the ELCA joined together in Houston this summer to celebrate Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and to state boldly, “This Changes Everything!” At the ELCA Youth Gathering this year, we had the chance to...
ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Advocacy Host “Public Charge” Webinar
Applying for citizenship or the right to extend your stay as an immigrant in the United States has never been the easiest process, but it’s about to get much harder for many families. This week, the United States Department...
New Video Discussion Guides Available from ELCA World Hunger
ELCA World Hunger supports ministries around the world and here in the United States that are committed to ending hunger and poverty for good. Nothing quite captures the stories of God’s work in these communities quite like videos where viewers...
Proposed Policy Change Will Affect Hungry People
The following guest post from Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, program director, migration policy, for ELCA Advocacy, describes a proposed rule change that will have a dramatic effect on some of our most vulnerable neighbors. While my husband worked at a...
Youth Gathering Reflections from 2018 Interns
With more than 30,000 youth and adults from across the ELCA, ELCA World Hunger staff were in Houston, Texas, last week for the 2018 National Youth Gathering. The event is a great opportunity for youth and leaders to learn...
Luther on “Exiles”: Hospitality for World Refugee Day 2018
Therefore not single persons, as formerly, but entire families are now in exile because of their confession of the Word. It is a crime not to help these. – Martin Luther, Lectures on Genesis (Chapter 18) Martin Luther’s Lectures...
“The lifeline that never goes away”: St. Matthew Trinity’s Lunchtime Ministry
St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church’s Lunchtime Ministry offers a warm meal, hospitality and community to neighbors in Hoboken, New Jersey. This important work is supported in part by a Domestic Hunger Grant from ELCA World Hunger. Stanley Enzweiler is...
Welcome ELCA World Hunger’s 2018 Summer Interns!
Each summer, the churchwide organization of the ELCA hosts interns for ten weeks. Interns help the ministries of the ELCA with a variety of projects and learn more about working within the church along the way. This year, ELCA...
The Poor People’s Campaign: A Time for Lutheran Action
This post originally appeared on the ELCA Advocacy blog. You can subscribe to the ELCA Advocacy blog by following the link. On Monday, May 14, 2018, people of faith and low-wage workers gathered in Washington, D.C. and more than...
World Malaria Day 2018 – Updates from the Field
From 2011 to 2015, the ELCA Malaria Campaign raised both awareness about malaria and gifts to support companion churches and partners in fourteen countries to combat this disease. These gifts continue to support projects in countries faced with the...