Joy's OT-G Valentine's Day card is one of 18 handmade cards for missionaries sent in by Walnut Hill Lutheran (Dallas, Texas).
Two congregations–Capron Lutheran (Capron, Ill.) and Walnut Hill Lutheran (Dallas, Texas)–took Operation Thanks-Giving (OT-G) to the next level and sent in Valentine’s Day cards to be sent to ELCA missionaries.
What a good idea!
If you’d like to join the fun and help show our missionaries a little love, send Valentines to arrive on Monday February 15. We need 180 Valentines for each missionary household to receive one. We’ll supplement the handmade cards with cute classroom-style Valentines (knock-knock jokes, anyone?).

Heather's OT-G Valentine's Day card is one of 21 cards made by Capron Lutheran Church (Capron, Ill.).
Don’t worry if the February 15 deadline is unworkable for you. Valentine’s Day will be covered. We will be sending OT-G Easter cards, too. Easter greetings should arrive by Tuesday, April 13. Idea: Maybe a card-making station could be set up near the Easter-breakfast muffins. (Easter Sunday is April 4, 2010.)
Send your cards to
OT-G cards
ELCA Global Mission Support
8765 W. Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
Remember, OT-G Valentine’s Day cards should arrive by February 15. OT-G Easter cards should arrive by April 13.
Send cards directly to the mission personnel you know (e.g., sponsored missionaries and members of the congregation in the military). Cards sent to Global Mission Support will be randomly distributed among ELCA missionaries. Questions? Contact globalmissionsupport@elca.org.
Share-the-love blessings,
Sue Edison-Swift
Associate Director Global Mission Support
and OT-G Queen
on February 9th, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Thanks again to Capron Lutheran for your warm hospitality and beautiful Valentines for missionaries!
on February 9th, 2010 at 10:12 pm
Anne and Sean, it was so great to have you in Capron! And we all enjoyed making the Valentines! Peace, Pastor Carrie Smith