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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

January 6, 2019

Dennis Sepper, Rosemont, MN Warm-up Question Have you ever looked for something you lost and found it in a very unlikely place?  Home for the Holidays Raleigh, North Carolina, December 17, 2018 – Twin sisters A’nina and Zoe Pasco, members...

December 30, 2018–Discovering Where He Belongs

Scott Moore, Erfurt, Germany Warm-up Question What is the best thing you like about when you come home from being away for a while?  Discovering Where He Belongs It’s beginning to look a lot like the Christmas Nick Schneider dreamed...

December 23, 2018–Are you Excited?

Seth Moland-Kovash, Palatine, Il Warm-up Question  What are you most looking forward to right now? Are you Excited? Anticipation and excitement are two very powerful human emotions. We look forward to vacation, to time off from school or other responsibilities....

December 16, 2018–Standing By and Standing Up

Paul Baglyos, Baltimore, MD  Warm-up Question When does standing by require standing up? Standing By and Standing Up Montgomery County, Maryland is considering a revamped proposal to allow public high school students to take as many as three excused absences...

December 9. 2018–Stay in Your Lane

Kris Litman-Koon, Isle 0f Palms, SC Warm-up Questions What are some topics of conversation in which you are able to adequately participate based on your experience or knowledge (e.g. politics, sports analysis, music reviews, comic books)? Conversely, are there topics...