September 8, 2019–Count the Cost
Brian Hiortdahl, West Hills, CA Warm-up Question When has your heart wanted something your head decided you could not afford? Count the Cost In her 2018 article “Fewer Ministers, Heavier Burden,” Jean Hopfensberger chronicles the changing landscape of church...
September 1, 2019–It Goeth Before a Fall
Dave Dodson, Houston, TX Warm-up Question What ability do you have which you are most proud of? It Goeth Before a Fall It was a warm night in Springfield, Illinois on August 16th when the rapper Twista took the stage...
Faith Lens on Summer Hiatus
Don’t despair. Faith Lens is just on a Summer hiatus. The next posting is scheduled to appear on August 27, for Sunday, September 1.
June 9, 2019–Transformative Changes
Kris Litman-Koon, Isle of Palms, SC Warm-up Question What is a plant or animal that fascinates you? Is there a place of natural wonder that instills in you a reverent presence? Transformative Changes Sobering news was released in May by...
June 2, 2019–Being One
Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question What makes you and your buddies, buddies? What unites you or holds you together? Do you have a symbol for your group – a style of clothes or type of hats? Being (Not) One...