Reflection in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria by Dr. Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla
The title of the 1939 film classic, “Gone with the Winds,” is a very good descriptor for what I witnessed in Puerto Rico. Maria, a category 5 hurricane, wreaked havoc in Puerto Rico. The destruction caused by powerful winds and...
The Journey to Right Relationships…a Christian Response by Rev. Robin McCullough-Bade
New Free Resource on Race Relations The Journey to Right Relationships … a Christian Response When it comes to race relations, those of us who follow Christ have a responsibility and calling to be engaged with others in significant...
Racism: A Different Face by Ruth Ivory-Moore
Racism: A Different Face “We are torn between becoming the people God calls us to be and remaining the people we are, barricaded behind old walls of hostility…. A burning cross reminds us that blatant acts of intimidation, hatred, and...
Remember Charlottesville by Bishop James Mauney, ELCA VA synod
On this Friday, some things bear repeating (written Friday, August 18, 2017): The first is to repeat my request that all of us lift up the town of Charlottesville, its people, its government and first responders, its injured from last...
Racism–a Mix of Power, Privilege and Prejudice by Bishop Bill Gafkjen
Racism—a mix of power, privilege, and prejudice—is sin, a violation of God’s intention for humanity. The resulting racial, ethnic, or cultural barriers deny the truth that all people are God’s creatures and, therefore, persons of dignity. Racism fractures and...
Do Black Churches Matter in the ELCA? by Lenny Duncan
Do Black Churches Matter in the ELCA? A documentary film by Lenny Duncan, ANKOS films and Tangled Blue. Teaser Trailer Director’s Note So, I’m doing a film. It’s really that simple, asking a simple question. Do Black Churches Matter in...