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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Syria: Raising Awareness Against Gender-Based Violence

  Since the onset of the Syrian conflict in March 2011, the crisis has continued to grow in size and scope. Millions of Syrians are seeking refuge in neighboring countries. In coordination with Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Lutheran Disaster Response...

Introduction from New Lutheran Disaster Response Program Interpreter

Greetings! My name is Megan Brandsrud, and I am both excited and thankful to be the new Program Interpreter for Lutheran Disaster Response. As I begin my second week at the ELCA Churchwide office, I am grateful for all of...

New Home New Hope

Two months ago, Duane Moudy, the Lutheran Disaster Response US Regional Coordinator of Lutheran Family and Children’s Service of Missouri gave me a tour of Joplin, MO, a city ravaged by an EF5 tornado on May 22, 2011. We visited...

The Journey of Peace Lutheran Church, Joplin, MO

On Sunday, June 23, 2013, Peace Lutheran Church, Joplin, MO celebrated the dedication of their newly completed building. Bishop Gerald Mansholt of Central States Synod was present for the day of great joy and thanksgiving. “It was a marvelous event...

A Tribute to Leon A Phillip, Jr.

     With the passing of Leon Phillip last week, the person we consider the founder of Lutheran Disaster Response, we have asked Gilbert B. Furst to share some reflections on his life and ministry. We appreciate Gil taking the time...

Resilience, Human Kindness and Hope in Oklahoma

When I visited areas decimated by the May tornadoes near Oklahoma City with the Lutheran Disaster Response team last week, I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the destruction, particularly in the city of Moore. Yet destruction does not have...