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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Angola: Providing assistance as the drought continues

Megan Brandsrud Angola has been experiencing a prolonged dry spell since 2012, resulting in a food and water crisis. Agriculture is the primary source of income in Angola, and the drought has decreased the country’s agricultural production by more than...

Nicaragua: Providing support and recovery materials after the earthquakes

Megan Brandsrud ​From April 10-14, Nicaragua experienced three earthquakes, with magnitudes ranging from 6.2-6.6 on the Richter scale. More than 3,700 homes suffered damage, of which 1,035 collapsed, and more than 1,600 people had to evacuate their homes and reside...

Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cyclone Results in Record Flooding

Megan Brandsrud ​On May 13, 2014, a cyclone hit the areas of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the next few days, the region received more than three months’ worth of rainfall, which resulted in record flooding. More than 80,000...

Philippines: A second contribution of $1 million to respond to Typhoon Haiyan

Megan Brandsrud ​ Lutheran Disaster Response has provided a second installment of $1 million to Lutheran World Relief to continue Typhoon Haiyan recovery work in the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest recorded storms in history, struck the Philippines...

Afghanistan: Providing Immediate and Long-Term Assistance After Floods and Landslide

Megan Brandsrud ​ During the last week in April and the early part of May, monsoon rains drenched northern Afghanistan, causing flash floods. On May 2, the continued heavy rains triggered a landslide and buried a village in Abi Barik,...

Valparaiso, Chile: Rebuilding After the Fire

Megan Brandsrud ​ On April 12, a raging wildfire enveloped the city of Valparaiso, Chile. Narrow, hillside roads and the lack of water or fire hydrants made controlling and extinguishing the fire very difficult. Fifteen people died as a result...