ELCA participating in NY Climate Events in September
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy & Christine Mangale, Assistant to the Director Lutheran Office for World Community in New York UN Climate Summit Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) will host a delegation of Lutheran World Federation Youth that will come to attend the...
Climate Justice for all God’s Creation: How you can speak out now!
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy Last week, Lutheran leaders across the US testified before the EPA to publicly proclaim that Climate Change is a moral dilemma, and to announce their support for the proposed Clean Power Plan. “For us...
Lutheran participation in the 20th International AIDS Conference
Ulysses III Ulysses III from ELCA Young Adult Cohort AIDS 2014 reflects on their recent group trip to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia! You can check out the full blog article on their website. “As with most things...
EPA Clean Power Plan Hearings: Days 2-3
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy Yesterday, Lutherans continued their testimonies at the Environmental Protection Agency. Our speakers were notably engaging, energized and forthright in their discussion on how climate change is an important matter in their community. Their testimonies...
EPA Clean Power Plan Hearings: Day 1
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy This week, several ELCA Lutherans have testified before the Environmental Protection Agency about the proposed rule to cut carbon emissions from power plants. Together, they affirmed why they believe protecting the earth and fighting...
Veterans: Breaking the Gridlock
Rev. Stacy Martin, Director of Advocacy Isaiah 41:18 I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water....
Living Earth Reflections: Called to Action
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy July 2014 ”We are called to act with justice, We are called to love tenderly, We are called to serve one another, To walk humbly with God.” David Haas, “We Are Called”, Evangelical...
Living Earth Reflections: Do We Really Need to Choose?
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy June 2014 “Neither economic growth that ignores environmental cost nor conservation of nature that ignores human cost is sustainable. Both will result in injustice and, eventually environmental degradation. We know that a healthy economy...
My 7- and 9-Year-Old Gurus
Rev. Stacy Martin, Director of Advocacy June 23, 2014 “Mom, are you mad at me?” my 7-year old asked, a little cautiously. The way I’d been communicating – terse sentences in a not-so-warm tone – her question was a legitimate...
2014 UN Convention on Climate Change in Germany
Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Advocacy Backsliding Fri. June 6, 2014 My hotel in Bonn has a “green roof”–this is the view out my window of the tiny plants that are keeping stormwater from running off the roof and polluting the nearby...