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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

God’s Ripple Effect

– Nicolle Layman The Youth Gathering has always held a special place in my life. My first Gathering was in 2006 in San Antonio, TX. I still remember standing in the stadium and feeling overcome with emotion, surrounded by 36,000 others worshiping God. I...

A Home Can Change Everything

– Chris Heavner  I love coming to the Gatherings and staying in a hotel!  My family didn’t stay in hotels that much (even now, I snatch all the tiny shampoo bottles for my kids).  This luxury would probably not be so thrilling if...

MYLE: Gathering as One

– Branden Hunt The theme for MYLE in 2018 is One. We must all come together as one. We must all move forward together as one. Yet coming together as one does not mean that groups of people must give up their culture...

You Belong at the tAble

– Sarah Mayer-Flatt “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”  proclaims the psalmist in the 139th chapter. That proclamation is the truth to which all participants of the tAble 2018 will come to know as their truth, too. Because God made us—putting us together piece by piece from within...

A Day in the Life of the Director

– Molly Beck Dean There is some curiosity about my job, so our fabulous blog editors thought it would be fun to do a “day in the life of the Gathering Director” post. I’m on the road five to fifteen days a month, but when I’m not...

Accompaniment After Harvey

– Jessica Noonan This past August as the summer was winding down and a new year of school was beginning, life along the Gulf Coast came to a standstill.  It was like time froze. Everything was a blur.  No one knew what day it...