All Saints

Meet Seth Moland-Kovash (standing), a funny and thoughtful pastor from All Saints Lutheran Church in Palatine, Ill. He led a group of youth from the congregation to the 2009 Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 22-26.*

All Saints

Before boarding an airplane back to Chicago, he held a Bible study at Gate C-10, Louis Armstrong International Airport, New Orleans. He used a Bible covered with the youth gathering theme: “Jesus, Justice, Jazz.”



All Saints, Palatine, Ill.

He asked the teens what the best part of their week had been. Everybody wanted to talk:

  • “Skillet” (Christian rock band; loud — very, very loud.)
  • “Jay Bakker”
  • “My hat”
  • “I met my soul mate”
  • “Listening to stories”
  • “The letter from Barrack Obama”
  • “Having a bishop that’s a lot of fun”
  • “Betty” (A New Orleans woman who helped them find sandwiches, then invited them to eat them in her courtyard.)
  • “Just being with everybody”



Alex Spriggs

This is Alex Spriggs, the teen grateful for finding this hat. He’s 16 and attends All Saints Lutheran Church, Chicago.



Palatine prayer

Pastor Seth repeatedly thanked the youth for their service in New Orleans. Then he led them in prayer.
