All Creation Sings Hymn Spotlight: Christ Has Risen While Earth Slumbers
In the Easter season our “Alleluias” are bold. Many of the hymns and songs chosen for Easter have a majestic and joyful quality to them. Bells, brass, and drums often enhance organ, piano, or guitar. Yet we know that even though we are a resurrection people, we can’t always shout our...
The Work of Lamenting Racism in All Creation Sings
Today’s post was written by Denise Rector, a PhD student at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago focusing on womanist theology, race, and history. Denise was a member of the Liturgy Working Group for All Creation Sings and author of this...
Reflections on Ash Wednesday Worship in 2021
As congregations and worship leaders prepare for Ash Wednesday in this most challenging year, the ELCA Worship team offers this set of reflections by those serving the church as scholars, pastors, and bishops. Our hope is that their perspectives...
All Creation Sings Hymn Spotlight: Night Long-Awaited / Noche Anunciada
The days of Christmas are typically a time to sing beloved carols. This year when we are gathered in our homes, it may be especially comforting to sing familiar Christmas carols. While singing songs etched on our minds and hearts...
Celebrating St. Nicholas Day at Home
The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God’s giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves. —Nicholas On December 6 the church commemorates Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, or as he is...
All Creation Sings: Teaching New Assembly Song in Challenging Times
We are inspired and encouraged by singing together. Not being able to do so has made this pandemic time immensely challenging and grief-filled. We long to join our voices as one in our sung praise and prayer. With All Creation...