Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work alongside the ELCA to support worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, and all who care about the worship of the church.
Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival
Livestream concerts, recitals, and worship services from LSM 2023.
A complete schedule and links to archive recordings are available at lsmacademy.org/2023.
Music that Makes Community
Music that Makes Community practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.
We take a deep breath of gratitude for the renewed energy and growing connections Music that Makes Community saw in the first half of 2023. We have facilitated vibrant, in-person workshops in Olympia, Columbus, and Nashville, as well as multi-access offerings in Portland, OR and Minneapolis. We hosted our first Intergenerational Worship Webinar in March, and in early June teams of MMC leaders were present at two biennial conferences focused on faith formation and worship for all ages.
Our late summer and fall offerings are now updated on the website, including a special offering at Holden Village, our annual Advent Worship Planning Webinar, a Three-Day Retreat in Albuquerque, and in-person events in Seattle, the Boston area, and Chicago.
Visit the MMC calendar to learn more and register!
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
ALCM nurtures and equips musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.
Register to watch live and receive recordings of past webinars.
Members — $25; Non-Members — $39.
One-day workshops for musicians to learn new skills, share best practices, and build relationships.
Workshops scheduled all across the country. Sign up for upcoming events.
Augsburg Fortress Events and Resources
Augsburg Fortress is an imprint of 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sundays and Seasons:Guide to Worship Planning
Sundays and Seasons supports comprehensive week-by-week planning with content and ideas for liturgy and music, preaching and visuals, shaped by the Revised Common Lectionary, the church year, and the assembly gathered around word and sacrament. The 2024 volume is now available in print.

Lectionary Mosaics