COVID-19 Litany of Lament and Resources for All Saints 2021
As you observe All Saints Sunday on November 7, 2021 or at another time near November 1 (All Saints Day), you may desire a rite that acknowledges those who have died from COVID-19 during this past year or since the...
Our Collective Healing on this Veterans Day
This post is written by Rev. Aaron Fuller. Pastor Fuller serves multi-vocationally as a chaplain in the Navy Reserve and Pastor at Our Father’s Lutheran Church, Rockford, MN. His views expressed here are his own and do not represent the...
Resources for Crafting Prayers of Intercession
When the church gathers, we pray for the needs of the world. Like preaching that is both rooted in scripture shared across time and space and attentive to the local assembly at the present moment, the sense of “praying for...
Teaching Helps for “Short Songs” in All Creation Sings
All Creation Sings includes several short songs that can be taught “paperlessly,” that is, singing together without printed or projected words or music for worship. This kind of singing can be led by one person or a small group...
All Creation Sings Hymn Spotlight: Christ Has Risen While Earth Slumbers
In the Easter season our “Alleluias” are bold. Many of the hymns and songs chosen for Easter have a majestic and joyful quality to them. Bells, brass, and drums often enhance organ, piano, or guitar. Yet we know that even though we are a resurrection people, we can’t always shout our...
The Work of Lamenting Racism in All Creation Sings
Today’s post was written by Denise Rector, a PhD student at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago focusing on womanist theology, race, and history. Denise was a member of the Liturgy Working Group for All Creation Sings and author of this...