Observing Ash Wednesday in Unexpected Circumstances
After perhaps a year or more of not gathering on-site for Ash Wednesday services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, worshiping communities across a large swath of the US are dealing with or expecting severe weather that would prevent gathering on-site....
For What Shall We Pray? A Weekly Prayer Resource
In the fall of 2021, the ELCA Worship Blog began a weekly series entitled, “Prompts for Prayers of Intercession.” Each post included a listing of prayer prompts based on current news and events, as well as a listing of upcoming...
Prayer Resources in Time of Earthquakes
For information on how you can assist the relief effort for the latest earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, connect to the work of Lutheran Disaster Response. Prayers of Intercession These petitions may be added to the assembly’s prayers of intercession. ...
Singing at the Vigil of Easter with All Creation Sings
Today’s post is written by Julie Grindle, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Mobility in the Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA. A past president of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM), Julie also served on the...
Remembering Susan Palo Cherwien (May 4, 1953-December 28, 2021)
Susan Palo Cherwien, Lutheran hymnwriter and poet, died December 28, 2021. Her hymns and meditations have been a gift to the church and world. Eight of her hymns are included in Evangelical Lutheran Worship: As the Dark Awaits the Dawn ...
Celebrating One Year of All Creation Sings
All Creation Sings, the worship and song supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, released in late November 2020. The church was entering Advent at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic; vaccines were not yet available. Most of our assemblies were worshiping...