A Window into Lutheran Summer Music: One Camper’s Story
Today’s post is by Talitha Duckworth. Tali is a member of New Joy Lutheran Church in Westfield, Indiana, and is entering her sophomore year of high school. LSM stands for Lutheran Summer Music and it is an extraordinary ministry that...
Church Musicians Are Renewed by “Hearts, Hands, Voices” Event
From July 23-26, 2018, the “Hearts, Hands, Voices” event was held on the campus of Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana. This continuing education event was a joint venture between the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) and the ELCA. Two...
Worship at Camp Mount Luther
Today’s post is by Chad Hershberger, Executive Director of Camp Mount Luther in Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania. Sitting along a lakeshore, enjoying the quiet breeze of summer, kids intently listen to a pastor talking about the reach of God’s love through Jesus...
Drawn In! Moving Out! Part 2: Youth Voices
Today’s post features words of five young people who spent time in Drawn In! Moving Out, the worship interactive learning space at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. Last month on the blog, Annemarie Hartner Cook, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran...
“Drawn In! Moving Out!” ELCA Youth Gathering Interactive Learning Space
Today’s post is by Annemarie Hartner Cook, Pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Maple Shade, New Jersey. Annemarie served as a staff member for the ELCA Worship Interactive Center at this summer’s Youth Gathering in Houston, TX. “It’s a...
Summer’s Here: Toward a Leaner Liturgy
Today’s post is by James Boline, pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Santa Monica, California, a Reconciling-in-Christ congregation of the Southwest CA Synod. Summer is upon us. Even though we won’t reach the season’s solstice until the 21stof June, as we...