Daily Prayer in the Home
“I arise early in the morning and I cry out to you, I hope for your word. My eyes are open in the night watches, that I may meditate upon your promise.” (Psalm 119:147-148) During this time of pandemic...
All Creation Sings: Liturgies
It is an odd time to be looking ahead. In our lives at church, work, and home, we are taking things one day at a time. Our worship has moved to the home and our gatherings with our fellow members...
Helping People Make Ritual at Home after a Death
Today’s post is written by Elaine Ramshaw, PhD, an ELCA laywoman, the author of Ritual and Pastoral Care and The Godparent Book (just out in a revised edition). She has studied the literature on ritual for transitions in the...
All Creation Sings: Assembly Song
In Fall 2020, the newest resource in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship resource family will be made available. All Creation Sings, a liturgy and song supplement, will include liturgies, prayers, and approximately two hundred hymns and songs. Conversation, consultation, and dedicated...
Worship Resource for the Anniversary of Earthquake in Haiti
Today’s post is by Pastors Melissa Bills and Anne-Edison Albright. Pastor Bills serves at First Lutheran Church in Decorah, Iowa and Pastor Edison-Albright serves at Luther College, also in Decorah. Melissa and Anne are frequent liturgical text writers for the...
VBS: Not For Kids Only
Today’s post is by Paul Friesen-Carper who serves as Assistant Director of Music at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota. This July, Adult V. (no B.S.) was held at Art House North in Saint Paul, MN, where Humble...