Today’s post is from Tim Getz, Director of Music Ministry at Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, California.

Being a good musician on any instrument, in any style of music, requires years of concentration and practice. Highly skilled musicians often find work in churches only to discover that specific skills are required for church music that are rarely addressed in music study. How does one effectively lead a congregation in singing? It’s not a matter of just starting playing and hoping people join in. How does one go about choosing appropriate repertoire for a congregation to sing? It’s not a matter of just choosing your personal favorite songs. How does one work effectively with groups of volunteers who come with vast differences of ability, training, and level of commitment?
The Leadership Program for Musicians is designed to help develop these skills, and many more. Originally envisioned as a two-year program, organized and presented by teams of local leaders using an established curriculum, LPM is now exploring new ways to present its material. Online classes have now been developed which offer many exciting possibilities for musicians working in churches throughout the country. These new courses offer flexible scheduling, shorter time commitments, and the opportunity to study from home rather than driving to a class location. Tuition is affordable and some scholarship money is available.
Two great online courses are being offered this spring: “Developing a Philosophy of Church Music” and “Liturgy and Music for Lutherans” each will run from March 22-June 7, with a break for Holy Week. The registration deadline is March 15.
Particular attention is given to the needs of smaller churches, and the courses are equally valuable for both musicians and pastors. A ministry team might consider registering and studying together for even greater benefit!
Visit for more information and to register for a course. Sign up today! You’ll be glad you did.