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ELCA World Hunger

Book Review: Peter Singer’s The Life You Can Save

Henry Martinez ​ Peter Singer, The Life You Can Save: How to Do Your Part to End World Poverty.  New York: Random House, 2010. I imagine it takes a good amount of restraint (and/or editorial skill) for a philosopher to...

Meet the Summer 2014 Interns!

Teri Mueller ​Lisa Burns, ELCA World Hunger Fundraising Intern   My name is Lisa Burns, and I am a rising senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am studying global health with a focus on the regions of...

Intimate Partner Violence: A Hunger Issue

Ryan P. Cumming There are plenty of barriers to employment in the US right now.  The exporting of jobs to other nations, the shift from manufacturing to service and technology as central industries, and the rising costs of higher education...

Women’s Literacy in Liberia

Ryan P. Cumming It’s a sad fact of history that women’s bodies become “battlefields” in situations of armed conflict.  Rape, trafficking, maiming and death are among the immediate threats women face when war breaks out.  But the long-term effects of...

ELCA World Hunger Education and Networking Grants

Henry Martinez ​ Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA World Hunger Education and Networking Grants 2014   ELCA World Hunger Education and Networking grants are available to support local efforts to educate and mobilize ELCA congregations, groups, and/or synods.  This...

10 Facts on Women and Hunger

Henry Martinez ​ 1.    In developing regions, the proportion of people living on less than USD $1.25 a day fell from 47 per cent in 1990 to 22 per cent in 2010. Extreme poverty is also falling in every region.1...

Food for Families at Spanaway Lutheran Church

Henry Martinez ​ Food pantries get started in a variety of ways. For Spanaway Lutheran Church, it was when Lawanna Lee, founder and co-pastor of El Shaddai Christian Ministries in nearby Tacoma, Washington called to ask about the possibility of...

Movie Review – Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert (HBO)

Henry Martinez “She flies with her own wings.” With these words, Katrina Gilbert translates her tattoo and sets the tone for the remaining 73 minutes of the documentary. Her story is one of many untold stories in America. As the...

Carrying the Cross in Public

Ryan P. Cumming ​ Used with permission from Boston at en.wikipedia   In the summer of 2012, Junior Garcia carried a 12-foot wooden cross from his home in Texas to Washington, DC, in an attempt to share the gospel in...

Paul’s Humbly Firm Request

Henry Martinez ​The word advocacy does not appear in the letter to Philemon. Interestingly, the word commonly translated as advocate (paraclete) appears a few times in John’s gospel, once in 1 John and nowhere else in the New Testament. But...