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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

God Created Abundantly

    Another blog post from ELCA World Hunger Education Intern Aml Mohamed. In this blog, she continues to seek answers to the three questions posed in her first blog. This blog is a response to her second question: “Why...

Of Community and Courage: Responding to Public Charge Rule as a Sanctuary Church

  Last week, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly took action be a “sanctuary denomination” – publicly declaring our intent to walk alongside immigrants and refugees as a matter of faith. In response to this action, a well-used question of Martin Luther...

The Forgotten Luther II – New Book in Series

  “When we begin to attend as a community to public issues, we exercise faith practices that embody our understanding of the gospel, witness to the world our public commitments, and communicate a different way of being a church.” –...

Accompaniment on the Ground

  In this post, ELCA World Hunger summer intern Aml Mohamed reflects on her experiences of accompaniment in her home country of Egypt. “Why are you interested in this position at the ELCA?” A classic, expected question during an interview....

Welcome (Back) New Staff!

  Join ELCA World Hunger in welcoming (back) former intern and current coordinator for network engagement, Petra Rickertsen! Grateful for your warm ‘welcome back’ to the ELCA World Hunger team, I am elated to announce my graduation from 2018 intern...

Welcome Summer Interns!

    This summer ELCA World Hunger welcomes two interns to the team. We are excited to have them share their gifts and talents with us. Learn more about them below!   Aml Mohamed, ELCA World Hunger Education Summer Intern...

Welcome New Staff!

  Hello! I’m Brooke De Jong, and I am very excited to join the ELCA World Hunger team as the Program Assistant for Hunger Education and share my diverse work background with the team. I can’t wait to see what...

World Malaria Day 2019

  To most of us in the United States, mosquitoes are nothing more than a pest. But in many places around the world, just one bite from an infected mosquito could transmit malaria. Every two minutes, a child dies from...

ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving

From dust we came, and to dust we will return. But between those two truths is a whole lot of life to be lived and work to be done. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent,...

Forgiveness: A Lifestyle for Renewed Community

This post comes from ELCA World Hunger’s weekly email list, “Sermon Starters.” For this week, Rev. Angela Khabeb of Holy Trinity Church in Minneapolis, shares with us her reflections on forgiveness and how we are called to make this gift...