“Why do we have missionaries in Germany?”

Posted on May 19, 2009 by admin

germany-acb-and-wittenberg-center007-725568“Why do we have missionaries in Germany?” is a common question that missionaries Margit and Pastor Ben Coltvet are asked. Serving the American Church in Berlin (ACB), the Coltvets describe how the ministry of international congregations has changed. In addition to providing English-language worship to the expatriate community, ACB ministers to minorities, especially persons of Turkish descent through its Leib und Seele (Body and Soul) program. Every Friday evening nearly one ton of food is distributed to 200-300 Turkish immigrants in need of nutional support. “What is great,” says Pastor Coltvet, “is that recipients also become a part of the distribution process in the program. The ministry of our congregation becomes theirs!” –Twila Schock
