Front: Nikki Schmidt, Marta Spangler. Back: Paul Kacynski, Martin and the Rev. Shadra Shoffner (YAGM coordinators), Daher Nassar (local host), Chelsea Mathis and Kendra Kintzi. (Unless otherwise noted, the pictured are ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission. 2009 Photo by Meredith Harber, YAGM.)
Thanks to ELCA Missionary the Rev. Shadra Shoffner for submitting this picture and caption. On Earth Day (April 22) give thanks and pray for those who plant trees and plant peace. Sue-s
During their mid-year retreat, the Jersusalem/West Bank ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) team planted trees near Nahalin Village, West Bank. The property belongs to a Palestinian Lutheran family who advocate for peace, saying “We refuse to be enemies.”
on April 16th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
Hi! This is Chelsea Mathis, Jerusalem/West Bank YAGM. Tree planting with Nasser family was a great experience! For more about my adventures in the West Bank, please visit my website and blog at: http://www.sites.google.com/site/chelseamathis/home
on April 16th, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Thanks for the comment Chelsea, and for your good work in the Holy Land. I got a page-not-found error when I tried the address above, but I did find you at
Peace, Paul Edison-Swift, ELCA Communication Services