Lanny Westphal, director of ELCA Global Church Sponsorship
Read on for updates on Senegal: Growing the Church (GCS4031), an ELCA Global Church Sponsorship project that is part ofAlways Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. To make a gift to this Global Ministry, click here.

Natalie and Chad Rimmer, ELCA missionaries in Senegal
Senegal video
Take a trip to Senegal and learn about the wonderful ministries happening now and planned for the future by the Lutheran Church of Senegal and the ELCA. Watch this short video by ELCA missionary Chad Rimmer at
July 2014
The Lutheran Church of Senegal has a ministry founded on bearing witness to the gospel in a largely Muslim context. They have had some success with their relationship with Senegal Lutheran Development Services in reaching out to educate children, provide health care for those affected by HIV and AIDS and in agricultural initiatives that help the flourishing of human community. Being in a predominately Islamic country, the church has worked hard to be witnesses through this work of God’s love through Jesus the Christ. The church is currently supporting a new Lutheran church in Gambia, a neighboring country.
The goal of this project is to proclaim Christ and move the church’s outreach to the next level. They would like to expand their outreach farther into rural areas, including southern Senegal and in Gambia.
We have the opportunity to participate in the Senegalese church’s vision to help birth these new congregations. Your gifts to ELCA Global Church Sponsorship will provide training for evangelists in three areas that are not yet impacted by the church. The training will be structured to equip them for leading Bible studies in mission stations by the second year and helping to equip more evangelists by their third year.
Christ is proclaimed throughout more communities in Senegal through the ministry of the Lutheran Church of Senegal.
This ELCA Global Church Sponsorship priority is a new ministry as part of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. You can help by sharing this information, by praying, and by making a donation.
By check: Make your check payable to “ELCA Global Church Sponsorship” with “Senegal, GCS4031” in the memo line and send it to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA Gift Processing Center, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009 or place your gift in the offering plate.
Online: Go to to make a one-time gift.
By phone: Call 800-638-3522 and pay with a credit card or set up a monthly gift.
For more information please visit or contact:
Rev. Lanny Westphal, director, ELCA Global Church Sponsorship
8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631 · 773.380.2641 ·