The Rev. Jeffrey Truscott is an ELCA missionary in Singapore where he teaches at Trinity Theological College. To support him, or another of the ELCA’s nearly 250 missionaries, go to

Front row, from left, Jeffrey Truscott, Anthony Loh, Bishop Terry Kee, Samuel Wang and Richard Chiu.
Greetings from Singapore!
As I write this, the nation of Singapore is celebrating the Lunar (Chinese) New Year, along with other countries in Asia. Traditionally, CNY (as we abbreviate it) is a time for families to gather for a celebratory meal and to express good wishes for the coming year. It would be like a combination of Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day in the United States.
In November three pastors were ordained into the ministry of the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) at Bedok Lutheran Church, with the Rt. Rev. Terry Kee, bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore, officiating. The ordinands were Revs. Richard Chiu, Samuel Wang. and Anthony Loh. I was privileged to supervise Rev. Wang in the preparation of his ordination thesis, which is a special requirement for ordination in the LCS.
One of the great joys of teaching at an ecumenical seminary is the diversity of contacts one makes. Through a former Trinity Theological College student, I have been invited to make a presentation on worship at a local Anglican church in February. This will not only be a good opportunity for me to teach but also to learn about the concerns that the local Anglican community has regarding worship. I am grateful for the chance to deepen my awareness of local church life in Singapore.
Let me once again thank you for your continued support through the ELCA Missionary Sponsor Program. I am especially thankful for the various cards, newsletters and other items that you send to me. I am glad that you are thinking about me and praying for me and my work. I look forward to the possibility of making contact with you later this year during my home assignment.
Regards in Christ,
Rev. Jeffrey A. Truscott
Trinity Theological College, Singapore