A thank-you and goodbye

Posted on February 8, 2015 by Global Mission Support

Lanny Westphal

Dear friends,

WestphalLanny_2-8-15I am immensely grateful for 17 years of service with the ELCA churchwide organization, first as a shared deployed synod staff person in evangelism, stewardship and outreach, and then with our global ministries in development, communication, constituent relationships and the companion synod program. During that time, there was even service as a short-term missionary teacher while on sabbatical in Ethiopia.

Most recently, it has been a joy to direct the Global Church Sponsorship program through a time of significant transformation and expansion from Missionary Sponsorship to a comprehensive program that more fully reflects our ministries with the global church, which has now been launched as a key priority within the Campaign for the ELCA. Now more ELCA members have the opportunity to learn about and support the wonderful missionaries and ministries that accompany our companions in Christ throughout the global church.

Now I am in transition as I seek the next place that God calls me and where the church can use me. I am excited by this journey of faith. My last day in the office was Friday, and I will be completing some trips and appointments over the next couple weeks.

Please stay connected! For all matters pertaining to ELCA Global Church Sponsorship, please contactglobalchurch@elca.org or 773-380-2657. Please change my personal contact information to westphallanny@gmail.com and 312-608-8551.

As I complete this joy-filled calling, I feel deep gratitude to all of my colleagues in the churchwide organization and to all our partners and donors across the ELCA. You have my prayers and best wishes. Your support has made a world of difference!

In Christ,

