September 7, 2014–The Key to Forgiveness
John Hougen, Elkins Park, PA Warm-up Question As you begin to think about forgiving and receiving forgiveness, can you name three things people do or say that make forgiveness more difficult and three things people do or say that...
Faith Lens has Moved
Don’t despair! Faith Lens is still being posted, but it has moved to a new location:
June 8, 2014–Just Breathe
Contributed byAaron Matson, Waterton, SD Warm-up Question Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you (literally or figuratively) or felt like you could not breathe? Just Breathe I suffered from asthma through childhood. While my case was...
June 1, 2014–Last Words
Contributed by Bob Chell, Brookings, SD Warm-up Question 1) “Last words” can convey rage, love or meaning. If you knew your life were ending and you wanted to convey your deepest insight about life to guide and inspire others...
May 25, 2014–Can You Confirm That?
Contributed by Paul Baglyos, St. Paul, MN Warm-up Question Is seeing believing, or is it the other way around? Can You Confirm That? Psychologists use the term “confirmation bias” to describe a behavior common to all people: the way...