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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 28, 2014–Who Says?

Dave Delaney, Salem Virginia ​ Warm-up Questions Either individually or as a group, brainstorm a list of everyone in your life who can legitimately tell you what to do.  Try to be specific. Why do you end up doing what...

September 21, 2014–Better Than Fair

Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA ​ Warm-up Question Warm-up Question: How do you react when you think something is unfair? Better Than Fair College football season is in full swing. As with any group, some student athletes choose to break the...

September 14, 2014–A Mother’s Forgiveness

John Wertz, Blacksburg, VA ​ Warm-up Question We all make mistakes.  Share one excellent mistake you have made and what you learned from the experience. A Mother’s Forgiveness In December 2012, Josh Brent, an offensive linemen with the Dallas Cowboys,...

September 7, 2014–The Key to Forgiveness

John Hougen, Elkins Park, PA ​ Warm-up Question As you begin to think about forgiving and receiving forgiveness, can you name three things people do or say that make forgiveness more difficult and three things people do or say that...

Faith Lens has Moved

Don’t despair!  Faith Lens is still being posted, but it has moved to  a new location: