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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

October 19, 2014–Why Pay Taxes?

Erik Ullestad–West Des Moines, IA ​ Warm-up Question How do you stay connected with your friends? Why Pay Taxes? Cell phone usage is at an all-time high.  Many people are getting rid of their landline phone and exclusively using a...

October 12, 2014–Take the Invitation

Stephanie Opsal, Albuquerque, NM ​ Warm-up Question How do you choose what to “like” or “follow” on social media? Take the Invitation How many times every day on Facebook are you asked to join a group, answer a friend request,...

October 5, 2014–Symbols Matter

Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Question What are some of the most important symbols of the Christian faith to you and what do they communicate?  (For example, what meanings does a symbol like the cross convey?) Can you think...

September 28, 2014–Who Says?

Dave Delaney, Salem Virginia ​ Warm-up Questions Either individually or as a group, brainstorm a list of everyone in your life who can legitimately tell you what to do.  Try to be specific. Why do you end up doing what...

September 21, 2014–Better Than Fair

Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA ​ Warm-up Question Warm-up Question: How do you react when you think something is unfair? Better Than Fair College football season is in full swing. As with any group, some student athletes choose to break the...