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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

December 7, 2014–Invictus

David Dodson, Fort Walton Beach, FL ​ Warm-up Question What sort of vestments (special clothing) are worn by people leading your worship services?  Do you feel that these vestments change or enhance your worship and fellowship? Invictus A casual glance...

November 30, 2014–Preparing With Hope

Lindean Barnett Christianson, Bozeman, MT ​ Warm-up Questions What does “Advent” mean to you? What are your favorite preparations for Christmas? Why? Preparing With Hope Many American big box stores have had Christmas decorations up and holiday merchandise available since...

November 23, 2014–How Can We Help?

Pastor Seth Moland-Kovash, Palatine, IL ​ Warm-up Question What is it that motivates you to help other people? How Can We Help? There are people in need all around us. Some of the need is very obvious and draws our...

November16, 2014–Marketing and Stuff

Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS Warm-up Question What responsibility scares you? Marketing and Stuff Rikk Wilde became an instant internet sensation for the awkwardness of his presentation of a Chevy truck to the 2014 World Series Most Valuable Player, Madison...

November 9, 2014 — Are You Prepared

Jocelyn Breeland–Fairfax, VA ​ Warm-up Question What’s the most important way you are preparing for your future? Are You Prepared Here are some things that have been happening around the country in the last couple of weeks: Authorities on the...