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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

October 4, 2015, Marriage and the Gospel

Brian Hiortdahl ​ WARNING! This week’s Faith Lens examines a sensitive issue.  Before having a group discussion, please review the section “Productive Discussion in a Spirit of Mutual Respect” on pages 5-6 of the ELCA study Journey Together Faithfully, Part...

September 27, 2015–A Matter of Faith

Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, Virginia ​ Warm-up Question Do you have any personal heroes?  Any people in your life who have encouraged, inspired, or set an example you’d like to follow?  If so, who are they and why do you...

September 20, 2015 We’re Number One!

Dennis Sepper, Puyallup, WA ​ Warm-up Question Are you excited about the beginning of the school year and the competition it brings?  Yes or no and why? We’re Number One! USA Today—The air is getting crisp and some of the...

September 13, 2015, How Long, Oh Lord

Amy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD ​ Warm-up Question I don’t know about all of you, but I love to be right.  I love it.  Sometimes this is a really great quality; it drives me to do extra reading and research...

September 6, 2015–Unfolding Truth

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD ​ Warm-up Question What is the silliest thing you have ever believed? When this author was a child Dad took me to watch firefighters practice their skills on an abandoned house. For years I believed...