May 27, 2018–How Do You Know?
Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Question When it comes to your faith, who have been some of the most important people in your life? What about them has made such a difference? How Do You Know? In 1651 a...
May 20, 2018–Spirit of Truth
Dennis Sepper, Burnsville, MN Warm-up Question How can you tell if someone is telling you the truth? Spirit of Truth Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student at Eagle Rock Junior High School won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science...
May 13, 2018–A Lonely Lot
Leslie Scanlon, Chesapeake, VA Warm-up Question Tell about a time this week you felt lonely. Tell about a time this week you felt part of a group. Think of it like “high/low,” “rose/thorn,” “mountain top/valley,” or whatever metaphor you...
May 6, 2018–Achtung Baby
Kris Litman-Koon, Isle of Palm, SC Warm-up Question Think of someone who is not a member of your immediate family yet who has influenced who you are today. How did they do this? How would you describe their style of...
April 29, 2018–Grow Up and Grow Out
Tuhina Rasche, San Carlos, CA Warm-up Question Who are the people that connect you to community? What are the feelings and emotions that keep you connected to people within a community? Grow Up and Grow Out I’ve moved around...