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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

December 24, 2017–How Can this Be?

Bryan Jaster, Winchester, VA   Warm-up Question What is something surprising you were asked to do in the past week?  What did you do in response to being asked? How Can This Be? Washington, D. C.  You likely know it...

December 17, 2017–A Light in the Darkness

Andrew Karrmann, Bellevue, NE  Warm-up Questions Many people are afraid of the dark and have anxiety about the time between turning off the light and getting into bed. What do you do when you have to turn off a light...

December 10, 2017–Do They Know It’s Christmastime?

Jay McDivitt, Waukesha, WI   Warm-up Question What’s your favorite Christmas song, and why? Do They Know It’s Christmastime? (Do We?) This time of year, it’s hard to avoid hearing Christmas music. One song in steady rotation is the 1980s...

December 3, 2017–Be Prepared…but for what?

Ellen Rothweiller, Des Moines, IA   Warm-up Question How do you prepare for something? For school? For a test? For a big game or music competition? How do you prepare for the unknown? For the future that you know will...

November 26, 2017–Doing What Comes Naturally

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC   Warm-up Question Do you ever find yourself doing something a particular way and not really knowing why?  (Like putting on one sock and then one shoe rather than putting on both socks then both shoes.) ...