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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 23, 2018–Failing Up

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD  Warm-up Question Talk about a time you saw someone in a group you were part of exercise leadership in a surprising and positive way. Failing Up   In a post on the National Outdoor Leadership...

September 16, 2018–Give it up?

Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA   Warm-up Question Have you ever had to give up something to practice your faith? If so, what was it? What is the most significant thing you can imagine being willing to give up for your...

September 9, 2018–Maverick

Herb Wounded Head, Brooking, SD   Warm-up Questions When’s the last time you had a disagreement? How did you resolve your disagreement, if at all? How does it feel when you have a disagreement with someone you respect? Maverick This...

September 2, 2018–It’s What’s Inside That Counts

Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS Warm-up Question What is inside you? It’s What’s Inside That Counts Scientists at MIT have developed a prototype “GPS” for locating things inside the human body with a marker that can be swallowed instead of...

June 3, 2018–Faith Lens on Hiatus

Don’t panic!  Faith Lens is only on a hiatus during the summer.  The next Faith Lens will be posted on August 28 for Sunday, September 2.